Saturday, November 19, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Bob and I went to check on things and enjoy a warm November day. There are some ruts in the newly graded road by the bridge from the piano movers' truck, but we had no trouble. Bob even went over the ruts with Bert (our SUV) to even them out a bit.
We emptied and turned off the refrigerator. There really was hardly anything in it. The oil tank (filled while Eric was there) says over 3/4 tank. The water is off. We turned on all the faucets and flushed the toilets and drained as much water out as we could that way. The thermostat is set at 50 degrees. The 'piano room' looks a bit bare without the piano! It should be arriving in its new/old home in Great Falls today!
The yard has been leaf blown and some paths created with a leaf blower, and Matt's (Saunders?) deer carrier is back next to the barn. I assume he's the one blowing leaves: he did it last year. I haven't signed any hunting licences, although I have talked to Rene and Steve Larosa on the phone.
So - the house is ready for whatever winter has to offer.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

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