Sunday, September 4, 2016

Bridge and house update

Here are more pictures of the work on the bridge. Sorry for the blurriness of the first, I'm not a great camera-on-the-phone picture taker... They've supported the old wall now with telephone poles and created a concrete frame. They've also put up black erosion barriers on both sides of the road down by the water on the 151 side of the bridge and one just to the left in this first picture on the house side.
The brook is even lower, I didn't have to get my feet wet at all crossing this time: and the slippery moss on the rocks is drying out.
As for the yard/house: Bob and I mowed the yard (it was very healthy and long) and the field. I went in the house and put all the storm windows down, closed up the attic windows, and turned off the water heater. I turned on the heat to 52 degrees. I put the patio chairs in the barn. (The orange fish is still in the pond). We're supposed to have a brush of Tropical storm Hermine, and get the wind and rain, so I thought I should go ahead and do this. Hope that's okay. 
I checked the oil tank level while I was in the basement: it is between 3/8 and 1/2 full.
Then, since it was nearing supper time, we went over the the Haddam Neck Fair for supper and wandering. Of course we ran into family: had a very nice talk with Connie. And a great conversation with the guys in the Middlesex Land Trust booth who immediately remembered Dad and Aunt Sandy and the work Uncle Chuck did to get the land preserved in the first place, when I told them who I was. That was so comforting.
It's a cool 62 degrees this morning: Fall is coming!

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