Here's what we saw as we arrived to check on the house yesterday. I didn't know the roofers were actually going to start! Did you?
In other sightings: Bob and I saw 2 goldfish (the orange and the white mottled one) actively swimming in the pond! The crab apple tree that was crushed by the old swing maple branch has green budding leaves on it! So it's not totally dead. Yay!
Also, I got a call from Jean Schleidt yesterday: looking for you, Aunt Sandy. She didn't know your phone number had changed. I gave her your new number. It was nice to catch up with her. There are a lot of messages on the answering machine, but I didn't take the time to listen or delete them this time. I may try to do that next time. With the warm winter, the oil tank is still about half full. And finally, a flyer from the Jehovah's Witnesses was stuck in the door! They are intrepid missionaries aren't they?! There are a couple of older men who I once offered water to on a hot day, who visit regularly, and now I think they make a beeline for our house for another conversation about the Bible; I must confess, I don't always answer the door when I see them coming.
The daffodils and forsythia are out, but not nearly as grand a display as other years. I think the warmer winter with the random cold spells threw them off. The magnolia look like the buds were frozen before they got to bloom. But spring is coming! The skunk cabbage is in abundance in the wet places, the brook is full, the birds are singing. We even heard a barred owl having a conversation with its mate in the middle of the afternoon up the hill behind the barn. Cool temperatures are giving way to warmer ones. Happy Spring!
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