Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bob, Anna, and I stopped by for a few minutes to check on things. Anna is home from college for the week! Everything looks good at Thicut.
  • watered the (few) plants
  • turned OFF the water
  • checked the lights on timers
  • borrowed 2 pillows for the Sandin/Sandin visit for Thanksgiving
  • borrowed a flat iron from the living room fireplace for Bob to use to 'clench' nails on his current project to redo an old wooden framed kayak
  • took home wood for Thanksgiving fires
  • as we left, we passed a family coming from a hike down the Grassy Lane

1 comment:

  1. Does anybody know where the BIG chain saw is? I remember it being all metal, with a large metal handle all around and with a black cap and a red cap on top. I'd love to return it to running condition. I don't really need it, but there are a couple big trees in our forest that the little Huskvarna saw really struggles with.
