Sunday, October 21, 2018

Bob and I spent a cool breezy fall afternoon at Thicut. We walked up the road - fallen leaves litter the tumbling rocks on the road. It smells like autumn!

 I decided to reunite the vases that were split up when Nanny died. A note in Mom's handwriting says they were a wedding gift to John and Barbara Kruger. (Nanny's parents). Here they are on the mantle in the 'parlor'.
We also found the mudroom storm door swinging in the breeze. A little investigation showed that the spring was no longer attached to the wall. Bob was able to secure the door closed for the winter, but it will have to be fixed next summer.
 We found a snake skin at the bottom of the basement stairs in the ceiling, near the same place I found one a couple of years ago. It must be a good place to shed skin!
 As we were leaving the house, we noticed that the curtain between the kitchen and dining room was blowing into the dining room! We re-checked the mud room door, that was still secure. I then remembered that there are holes in the kitchen ceiling/'back attic' floor, so up we went to check that window. And the lower sash had fallen out of the frame, leaning on the box fan nearby! Luckily the screen was intact. Air was blowing in! After some finagling, Bob got the storm down and left the broken window leaning against the window.
 We decided to check all the windows because it is supposed to get down below freezing tonight. We carefully pushed up the sashes and lowered the storms. Those are some sticky old windows!

Other notes:
The house alarm code says "Com. Failure" and there is a "Lowbat 37 sun room 5th". I think the first means the alarm system isn't talking to ADT.
The stove clock was blinking; the power must have gone out at some point.
The fridge is on with food in it. If you'd like me to do something about it, let me know.

The brook was high, especially for October! We took a few moments to stand on the bridge watching it flow by before heading home.