Tuesday, November 17, 2015

tree on wires

I just am back from checking the house. Rene Desjardains (sp?) called Aunt Sandy and me yesterday morning to say there was a tree resting on the wires on the driveway. From his description, it was on the rte.151 side of the bridge, so I called East Hampton Public Works and they said they'd look into it. The very nice field worker called me back within the next couple hours to say that yes, there was a tree leaning on the wires and he'd call Eversource to take care of it. I went down just now to see. The tree was a completely dead one right at the Grassy Lane and had uprooted. All cleared now. It wasn't noticeable coming down the road, but going back out: very noticeable where it had been. I checked the power in the house and it had been off (clock on stove blinking). So I reset that clock, locked up and came on back home.
It looks like Rene and Matt have blown off all the leaves on the road from the bridge to the house and mostly cleared the drainage trench on the side of the hill.
All's well.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bob and I went to winterize the J. Deere, Saturday. Here is what we found. Matt Saunders has created paths from the back yard into the woods. The contraption is his deer cart and a deer stand.  Is this okay with you all?

                                 This path is behind the crab apple tree toward the old spring.

This path is behind the rock garden and goes behind the hill where the chicken coop was.

Friday, November 13, 2015

I went to Thicut today to meet the DHMarvin man who dropped off the newly refurbished J. Deere lawn tractor. It seems it's had a hard workout these past several years! But it's back in shape and ready for next summer.
When I arrived, I noticed that the tree that had fallen over the road had been substantially cut up! There's a neat stack of wood along the road near Nick's cairn. Who did that? Was is Rene or Steve LaRosa? As I was wondering, Matt Saunders stopped by. He's Rene's friend who also hunts the property. He seemed like a nice man (didn't know anything about the tree). Interestingly, he came to use his Leaf Blower (!?) to make a path into the woods along the stone walls behind the house. I'm not sure of the purpose. Maybe the deer will use his path, he thought. He welcomed us to walk along it if we are out tramping in the woods. Not my idea of quiet afternoon activity (the leaf blowing, I mean). He said there should be a lot of well fed deer this year; there are a LOT of fallen acorns to munch on.  I hope the rhododendrons will be spared this winter! He also said that he'd found a 'private road, no trespassing' sign somewhere and was wondering if we would like him to put it up on that empty sign post across the bridge? Aunt Sandy, what do you think?
Around behind the barn is what looks maybe like a deer cart - an over-sized metal grocery cart looking thing. I didn't notice it until Matt was in the woods, so I don't know who left it or what it's real purpose is. Who has permission to hunt this year?
All's well inside and out. Wind has blown most of the leaves off the lawn, so it looks good.
Every time I drive down the hill, around the corner to Sexton Hill Road, I think how lucky we are to have such a place with so many family memories. Happy Thanksgiving all!