Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Betsy and Mom went down to check on power for ARM (she said her electric bill seemed big): There is nothing drawing power except the few lights on timers. The water heater and fridge and freezer are off. The latest bill must include part of October when everything was still on.
However, I discovered that the power had been out at some point recently. The stove clock was blinking. I reset the clock and checked the light timers which seem fine, so the power must not have been out long. Everything else seems fine. The oil tank is down a bit to 9/16ths: it's been COLD the past few days!
The pond is frozen, the brook is VERY low and has ice on it! Rain (LOTS) is expected tonight so the ice should melt for now... But winter is coming! Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukkah!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bob and Betsy mowed the lawn and leaves. A balmy fall day, nice to be outside! House was fine. J. Deere full of treated gas, small lawn mower empty. Cleaned up the barn garden a bit for the winter. Thank you to Connie for watching Thicut this winter!