Sunday, May 27, 2012

The last of the beer bottles have been delivered to Thicut. Mom (Ann) came inside to take a look herself! Impressive pile(s) in the do with whatever you wish. Welcome to CT Alex and George!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Have been twice since the last post: once to mow with our mower- around all the trees and edges - and to meet the Colchester johndeere guys to service the Johnny Deere (sharpen blade/clean/oil/ new battery)... Not cheap but worth it.
I also went this past Friday to mow with Johnny D. to get ready for ARM to come back with George and Alex on Sunday!!!
While I was mowing, I nearly ran over a turtle! It was a mottled shell and it's head/legs were RED?!? Any guesses on kind? I don't think it was a snapping turtle, maybe a kind of box turtle. It stayed around the whole time I mowed...
Bob bought a new blade for the push mower, we'll install that the next time we go down.
The refrigerator is on, the water heater is on, the plants are healthy, the yard looks good! Welcome Summer!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bob and I mowed (jump started Johny Deere AGAIN)... need to fix or replace the push mower (emphasis on push) as well... There are 3 stalks of green asparagus, two bright yellow azaleas in the front, a hoppy toad in the yard, and lots of bird song on this sunny warm spring day.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mom (Ann) and I brought boxes of old papers, dinnerware, bottles, and the stamp collection (back) to Thicut yesterday after many years sitting in various places at 77 Horseshoe. I put all in the parlor. Eric A. wants the bottle collection stored there, too: another trip and ?where to 'store' 54 boxes?
The lawn needs to be mowed: that will have to wait for another trip as well.
House looks fine, plants freshly watered: the 'stalks' in the square planter usually wintering next to the dining room fireplace are showing themselves: a sure sign of spring!