Monday, April 25, 2011

spring has sprung!
  • Bob sprayed some barberry around the perimeter of the yards
  • Bets started cleaning out some of the gardens
  • daffodils are abundant, forsythia is blooming, flowering quince is just about to burst, a few early tulips are about to bloom
  • no sign of fish, but several frogs plopped into the pond and a toad hopped in the garden
  • turned water on so Bob could use the hose to fill the Roundup sprayer; turned off again before we left
  • friends and cousins are starting to call to see when Anna Ruth is returning. there were several messages on the machine.
  • 70 Degrees Fahrenheit! Trees will be leafed out soon!
  • Bob found a tiny tick crawling on him when we got home! I guess the winter is really over.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

  • chilly 45 damp degrees, rainy
  • no mail in the mailbox
  • water pump pressure where we left it: 45. I left the water off and the hot water heater on.
  • oil tank below 3/8
  • house temp in kitchen 56, basement 51
  • 10 blank messages on the machine, one more said; " I'm sorry I keep dialing the wrong number". I erased them all.
  • watered plants
  • brook is ROARING

Monday, April 4, 2011

  • Turned H2O on, tried all faucets, tightened some valves: NO PIPE LEAKS that we could detect. We had the pump and water valve on for more than an hour without using the faucets or toilets and the pump pressure remained constant. GOOD NEWS!
  • Several valves and/or faucets need new washers, since they drip slowly; except the front bathroom cold which drips steadily. It had been turned off underneath the sink, so Carlie or Anna Ruth must have turned it off before they left last fall.
  • oil <3/8
  • There was mail in the mailbox, dated April 1. I'll check Monday or Tuesday to see if it is being delivered or if this was a mistake.
  • Found Lenten rose blooming, as well as one clump of purple crocuses
  • No sign of fish, yet...
  • cleaned up fallen pine branches and debris around the knoll and driveway
  • turned off water before we left, just in case...